Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Treasury Announces: Housing Finance Conference

In April 2010, Treasury and HUD issued a set of questions for public comment on the future of the housing finance system, which has received more than 300 responses from a broad cross-section of consumer groups, industry groups, market participants, members of the public, think tanks, and other stakeholders.

These responses are meant to provide input and perspective in the development of a comprehensive reform proposal. Written comments should have been sent to the Treasury for receipt by June 21, 2010 to be assured of consideration.

On August 17, 2010, the Treasury will host a Conference on the Future of Housing Finance in Washington D.C. This event brings together leading academic experts, consumer and community organizations, industry groups, market participants, and other stakeholders for an open discussion about housing finance reform.

If you have any questions about this matter or would like assistance with mortgage compliance, please contact Jonathan Foxx, Managing Director.



1. How should federal housing finance objectives be prioritized in the context of the broader objectives of housing policy?

2. What role should the federal government play in supporting a stable, well-functioning housing finance system and what risks, if any, should the federal government bear in meeting its housing finance objectives?

3. Should the government approach differ across different segments of the market, and if so, how?

4. How should the current organization of the housing finance system be improved?

5. How should the housing finance system support sound market practices?

6. What is the best way for the housing finance system to help ensure consumers are protected from unfair, abusive or deceptive practices?

7. Do housing finance systems in other countries offer insights that can help inform U.S. reform choices?

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Public Input on Reform of the Housing Finance System
Department of the Treasury and Department of Housing and Urban Development

Federal Register, Vol. 75, No. 77, Notices (4/22/10)

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